Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Retinues, continued

A few more English troops.

Lord Scrope of Masham; Scrope retainer and drummer; archer and banner in the retinue of Robert Percy of Scotton; and an archer in the service of Phillip Constable of Flamborough.

Close-up of the Percy banner. I think this is my favorite banner so far, so it saddens me to confess I designed it on the computer before painting it.

Next up, the retinues of Broughton and of de la Pole himself, at which point I'll more or less be done with the English third of the army.

**Edit: I forgot to mention that the Percy arms are quartered the wrong way, but I stuck with the error rather than repaint Percy's surcoat.

Friday, January 2, 2015


Some more retinue men to ring in the new year.  Not much painting of late - couldn't really get in the mood.  I've also been repainting already-finished faces with an extra layer, which ate into my time.

From the left: a Skelton billman (in Yorkist livery, since I couldn't find any information on Skelton); Sir Henry Bodrugan (who as a Cornishman was somewhat of an oddity amongst all of Lincoln's northerners); a Bodrugan archer (head supplied from the Perry Russian set); and Ashton, Pilkington, and Appleby billmen (the Appleby colors are invented, but green and yellow seem fitting for an Appleby).

Next up, Scropes, Percys, and Broughtons,