Been rather busy outdoors recently but have managed to finish some miniatures despite the call of the garden. I also broke the rules and started to deviate from my original army list by starting a base of crossbowmen (primarily an excuse to paint pavises :) ).
Skirmishers: handgunner, Lovell billman, Scrope archer, and a German officer (tried to sculpt one of the deep German sallets - not sure it's all that great).
Some crossbowmen. The drummer is from the AO range.
The left pavise is inspired by a beautiful example from Bohemia (see here) depicting David's duel with Goliath. On the right is a more speculative representation of the city of Augsburg (similar to the Regensburg pavise surmounted with the Augsburg arms and in Schwartz's colors).
Edit: two more I forgot to add. Another German standard, converted from one of the Perry Swiss, and the galloglass from a while back.